#101 Canoe Racing, World Records and Near Death Paddling w/ Frank Bures
3/20/25 - Frank Bures is an Author, outdoorsman and paddler. His new book Pushing The River: An epic battle, a lost history, a near death and other true canoeing stories is available for pre-order now.
We talk canoe racing, Mississippi River Speed World Record attempts, near death experience paddling the Mississippi River, canoe racing and connections to Minnesota and more.
Franks book is avaialbe anywhere books are sold, including here: https://shop.mnhs.org/products/pushing-the-river
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SRE Outdoors is a Family Owned & Operated Outdoor Gear Shop in Black River Falls, Wisconsin. Great gear, great prices, unbeatable customer service. Use code WILL at checkout for 10% off your first order.
Fishell Paddles - Makers of Fine, Handcrafted Wooden Canoe Paddles
Try a Fishell paddle and FEEL the difference. Each paddle is handmade by Greg Fishell at his shop in Flagstaff, Arizona. Will uses a Ray Special model, and outfits all of his trips with Fishell Paddles as well. Use code WILL at checkout for a free paddle hanger w/ purchase of new paddle!
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