Day 61 Mississippi River

After a late night catching up in Hannah and John's living room a slow Sunday morning was in order. Sometime around 11am we left the apartment in the Central West End and headed for brunch.

After a great meal and stories of old high school shenanigans we wrapped up and cruised back to the apartment. At halftime of the Bears - Panthers game we made the move to meet some family friends who I would I stay with for the night, Joe and Dina. With my canoe strapped to the top of the sedan and a back seat packed with gear, Hannah, John and I drove about 15 minutes to Joe and Dina's.

After shuffling the boat and gear from Hannah's vehicle to Joes, I said goodbye to Hannah and John. It was a great stay with an old friend, and I'm happy to chalk John up as new one.

After getting set up I settled into the couch with a cold one and football on the TV. Perfect. A shower and a few loads of laundry later and I was feeling great. Following four quarters of pigskin and some relaxing Dina and I hopped in the car to tackle a few errands. A stop at REI for stove fuel and at one of Dina's favorite browsing locations, Whole Foods, for a grocery resupply was in order (despite Dina's attempts, Joe declined to come, offering something along the lines of "You're saying I should come and watch you and Will shop? I'll stay here and watch football...." smart man).

With errands wrapped up Joe and Dina tag teamed a dinner to die for. Perfectly done steak, baked sweet potatoes, French bread and asparagus.

60 minutes, Sunday night football, brief political talk and a relaxing evening followed.

A great day in St. Louis spent with two pairs of quality folks.