Day 55 Mississippi River
Once again I slept in, lulled by the comfort of a soft bed. I walked downstairs to find a cup of Joe and Jane.
After a bagel and egg sandwich I began packing up all the gear scattered across Janes garage and began tossing it in the back of the Jeep. By 10:30am or so we were loaded up with the canoe strapped to the roof rack.
We hopped in the car and Jane drove me past Gary's work at Gardner- Denver and dropped me off below Lock #21 in Quincy, IL. Crashing waves splashed and teetered the boat with every pass as I worked to load the canoe. The rolling waves forced a quick thank you and goodbye between Jane and I.
I pushed off and hit the water around 11:30am, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. The day brought sun and a slight headwind along with a quick current.
I worked my way South, making it past Hannibal, MO and passing through Lock #22 a few hours before sunset.
I found camp on a forested bank a few miles downriver from the Lock and Dam. A line of two separate barges were moored to the opposite shore (the Missouri side of the river), waiting their turn to lock through northbound.
As the air temperature dipped I threw on a few extra layers, watched the sun set and made dinner.
Solid day. Life is good.