Buffalo Roamer

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Stringer full of Walleye and Sauger

11/6/22 - 12 Walleye, 1 big Sauger & 1 carp. Not bad.

It was a beautiful fall day to get out to the local dam and dip some line in for Walleye. Fall had arrived in full force a few weeks ago, and the cooler weather means that walleye will be pushing up the rivers.

I met my buddy Connor out at the river, and we pushed his 25 horse tiller out and up toward the dam. We found a nice eddy near the dam bypass and threw the anchor down. With the Ole’ jig and live minnow we tossed out line. I smacked the biggest fish of the day right away - a nice fat 19inch Sauger. My first ever sauger (that I recall). They’re similar to walleye but typically smaller, and have darker colorings. I was pumped to nail 19incher on the first fish.

We sat in the same spot for the next 4 hours, tossing jigs with minnows and twister tails along the current lines, then jigging them back to the boat. In all we caught 12 walleye, the sauger, and one carp. We lost plenty more, including one big daddy that got off close to boat. It was a beautiful fall day and beat the hell out of sitting on the couch. Biggest walleye was 18in and the rest fell between 18 and 15. Not bad for our area.

We took 6 fish home to eat. I cleaned and filleted them in the kitchen. I don’t often keep fish, but having some walleye for dinner this week sounds great. I also don’t often catch walleye, anymore, so some fresh white fish will be perfect.

Always a good idea to go to the river.