Amazon Day 7

What a way to close it out. Epic multi species day and thought provoking conversation. 

Fished with Garry again today. We started things off right with several peacocks and I nailed a 13lb wolfish in the current. 

After lunch we went back and tried our hand at the infamous Amazon catfish. Wow. 

With a big hook and a chunk of Pacu cut bait we sent out two rods in a deep hole. Less than 10 minutes in Garry’s rod bent over and almost went right into the water. 

He nailed the hookset and the thing started whaling line. Before we set our lines out for the day we had gone over the game plan should we hook up. Garry would set the hook, I would untie the boat from the tree we were tied off on, and Lavid would fire up the motor and chase the fish as Garry handed me the rod to fight the beast. 

As his rod bent our plan jumped into action. Everything worked perfectly. Holy shit was this thing big.
I was fighting and fighting for 30 minutes and this thing was kicking my ass. I was hooked into a freight train.
After ripping and roaring for a half hour the fish ran toward the stern of the boat. I ran from the bow, rod in hand, the the back, almost trampling Garry in the process. 

With the motor running the fish ran under the boat / motor and just like that. Line was slack. I was devastated. He was off after a battle that was a legitimate workout. 

In the 15 or 20 seconds or less that he was off, I looked down at my reel and realized the bail was open! Fuck! I slammed the bail shut, reeled the bail shut, reeled up the slack line, and holy hell….he was still there!!

A boat of local villagers pulled up as this all unfolded. When the fish was back on, all the villagers in the boat hooted with glee. The party was back on!

I fought the thing another 15 minutes or so until we finally surfaced the beast and got him to shore. Monster! Easily 150lb plus. It took 3 of us full grown men to lift it up for a picture. 

64 inches long. 

I wish I would have measured it’s girth. Massive. 

After a photo the fish was back in the water and swam away with what looked like full health and strength. 


The rest of the afternoon I caught more peacock including a 12lber. Finished the day with 12 peacock, 1 giant Piraiba catfish and a 13lb wolfish. 

Awesome final day.

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