Buffalo Roamer

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Day 57 Mississippi River

The old time trappers/commercial fisherman were up and at it around sunrise. I laid in the tent, listening to them bark and banter with each other about the most efficient way to get the net in. The wench the crew used to hoist in the net full of fish made a loud chugging noise.

By the time I got up the net was about halfway in. I made breakfast and coffee before waltzing over to the fellas to see how the haul faired. To me, it looked like a decent load, but as I got closer and started chatting with them it was clear they were not impressed.

"They all got out overnight. 2 days worth of work for nothing...."

Spirits were low. The night before the guys had hoped to take home 30 to 40 thousand pounds, which by their estimation would take two full days of loading fishing into the boat, hauling them to the boat ramp and coming back for another load. By the time the net came in not even half of one boat was fully loaded.

I helped pull the final tug of net onto shore as the Carp flipped, flopped and jumped about. After all of the net was pulled onto land and most of the fish tossed into the John boat, Wade sat down for a cigarette while Tony and Travis cracked fresh Pepsi's. From the drivers seat of the flat bottom boat filled with Carp, Wade spoke up.

"Well boys, we have three options. 
1. We head over to horseshoe (another island and favorite fishing spot), drop a net and see if we can't pick anything up. 
2. We head to Longview (again, another island)
3. We head in, find a concrete curb and take turns bashing our heads in"

This was met by a sad bought of laughter.

Tony, talking to me, says "We'll, sometimes that's just the way it goes"

Despite the disappointing take, I had to get a picture with the fellas and their haul.

After that, I packed up the boat, bid the crew good bye and went on my way.

By mid afternoon I reached Lock #24 in Clarksville, Missouri. Stuck behind a barge, I waited about an hour or so to get through. Once on the southern side, I pulled up to a dock and tied off, as the small river town looked inviting. I wondered into Tubby's Grub and Pub on the River to grab a bite to eat.

Following a burger and fries I made a call to one of my South Dakota Classrooms. Around 3pm I pushed off from Clarksville.

A gorgeous day on the water, I paddled until sunset and found camp in a forested section of flat land.

Solid but slow day.